Portfolio Hero Image EXD Website Orderly App Visual Concept by José Francisco Sesé


Web Development
  • Front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • JavaScript Libraries (React.js, Next.js)
  • Rest APIs
  • GitHub
Visual Design
  • Web & App Design
  • UX / UI Design
  • Style Tiles
  • WordPress
Digital Design
  • Social Media Graphics
  • Banner Advertisements
  • Interactive Multimedia Content
  • Motion Graphic
  • Brand Identity
  • Corporate Visual Identity
  • Brand Manual & Design Guide
  • Display and Direct Marketing
Graphic Design
  • Illustrations
  • Editorial Design
  • Event Design
  • Signane
3D Design
  • Modeling
  • Texture
  • Illumination
  • Render

Let's have a chat

I am usually reached by SMEs and Startups that want to develop the Visual Identity for their business and mostly the necesary communication pieces to introduce their products, services and company. While others contact me for a specific task that involves just a single design piece. Whatever the size of your business is or the task that needs to be attended to, do not hesitate to contact me. I am very flexible, I usually visit my clients and together we define the most dynamic way to work together.

In addition to being a self-employed designer, I am always available to working on a permanent or part-time position, so if you consider that this would be the most appropriate option, I would love to hear more!

What they said

The following are comments from my previous and current employers and clients - thanks to everyone, it has been a very enriching experience with all of you.

Lasse Koch
Thomas Sedkowski
Lone Thellesen
Lena Velez Larsen
I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside Jose, and I can confidently say he is an exceptional Front-End Developer and UX/UI Designer. His expertise in designing Self Service Portals, implementing service catalogues, and creating intuitive UI improvements has had a significant impact on our projects and clients. Jose brings a rare combination of technical skill and design talent, allowing him to not only develop functional digital solutions but also ensure that they are user-friendly and visually appealing. He has singlehandedly designed and developed our company website. His ability to automate workflows, configure webshops, and set up dashboards for analytics is equally impressive, always finding ways to optimize processes and improve the user experience. Jose's dedication to his work and strong ethics are evident in everything he does. He has consistently delivered beautiful, high-quality digital products that meet and exceed our clients' expectations. I highly recommend Jose for any role that requires a combination of design insight and front-end development expertise.
Vi har med stor glæde brugt José til en bred vifte af opgaver i forbindelse med vores SMVGuiden brand, hvor José basalt set har skabt hele vores grafiske udtryk. Josés fleksibilitet og evne til at udføre opgaver store som små, komplekse som simple, har gjort, at vi ikke har haft behov for at inddrage andre grafikere til brandet gennem en periode på snart 1½ år. José er meget punktlig og hans arbejde er af høj kvalitet. Han er meget dygtig til at fange ens ønsker, selv ud fra vage beskrivelser, og et billede skal sjældent sendes frem og tilbage med korrektur mere end et par gange, før det sidder i skabet.
Både i min tid som direktør i Dacapo og som chefkonsulent i UKON har jeg oplevet Jose som en fantastisk samarbejdspartner. Jose har hurtigt forstået opgaven, har altid en ide, men spørger og lytter, fordi det er vigtigt for ham, at man som kunde får det helt rigtige. Og det har jeg fået hver gang og i topkvalitet.
During the time José Francisco Sesé worked at Skibsted Ideation he has contributed with very valuable ideas and his work has been of a professional standard in every project he participated in. He was self-driven with his projects and eager to always do his best. He has always been on time and his work has been done with great enthusiasm and thoroughness. He has shown skills of a high standard regarding graphic design, project coordination and documentation.